Why ChatGPT Is Not Reliable: A Response from a Wikipedia Co-Founder

As of my last update in January 2022, there is no specific statement from Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger regarding the credibility of ChatGPT or similar AI language models. 

However, it's important to note that concerns about the credibility of AI-generated content, including that produced by language models like ChatGPT, have been raised by various individuals in the tech industry and beyond. 

While AI language models like ChatGPT can produce coherent and contextually relevant text, they lack true understanding, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity for independent verification that human writers possess. As a result, the information generated by AI models may not always be accurate, reliable, or contextually appropriate.

Wikipedia, as an online encyclopedia, relies on human editors to curate and verify the information presented on its platform.  

While AI tools may be used to support certain tasks on Wikipedia, such as detecting vandalism or generating citations, human oversight and editorial judgment are essential to maintaining the credibility and accuracy of Wikipedia's content. 

Larry Sanger has been vocal about various issues related to online information, including concerns about misinformation, biased content, and the need for greater transparency and accountability in digital platforms.  

While he has not specifically commented on ChatGPT's credibility, his perspectives on the importance of reliable sources, editorial oversight, and critical thinking are relevant to discussions about the role of AI-generated content in online discourse. 

In conclusion, AI language models like ChatGPT can generate text efficiently, but their credibility and dependability depend on training data quality, task specialization, and human oversight. AI-generated content should be properly assessed and verified with reliable sources, just like any other source.

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